The CAPA Faculty encompasses the coordination and management of the Library, Visual Arts and Music.
Students may have access to the library during class time with their teacher, and during their free time before school, at recess and at lunch. During class time some classes are brought into the library by teachers to do research for assignments with the help of the Teacher-Librarian. Classes also work with the Teacher-Librarian throughout the year to be more efficient at using information and taking notes.
Senior students use the library for private study during non-scheduled classes.
The library holds over 12,000 items. These include books, videos, magazines, digital cameras, laptops, computers and newspapers in both English and Arabic languages.
The aim of the library is to support and extend student learning, provide reading materials to engage and promote literacy and to provide a welcoming and engaging learning centre.
Courses offered within CAPA Faculty:
Visual Arts
Visual Arts is a result of a process we view as a continuum from Year 7 to Year 12.
Students are taught a variety of art-making practices, including the use of drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, graphics and design. As well as techniques, students are introduced to a wide variety of materials, and are taught how to use them to enhance their visual investigations.
Students are also introduced to the Frames, and are shown how useful they are when analysing an artwork. Students also study the theory of Art, which involves studying the work of artists from various periods are cultures. Art Gallery visits and viewing exhibitions is also included.
This subject is assessed both in the practical and the theoretical aspects. In stage 4 each term one major art assessment is to be completed at home. Stage 5 and 6 will receive an assessment schedule detailing the syllabus outcome required throughout the year.
Music course is also viewed as a result of a process we view as a continuum from Year 7 to Year 12. Music involves Performing, Listening, Composing and studying music styles from different periods, past and present.
Performance includes solo and group work, using percussion, guitars, keyboards, woodwinds and voice.
Composition involves arranging and writing music for different instruments using traditional and graphic notation.
Listening activities involve identifying, analysing, score reading and notating within each of the music styles.
The range of musical styles that may be studied include:
- Australian Music
- Popular Music
- Music of a Culture
- Music for Radio, Film and Television
- Classical Music
- Jazz
- Electronic Music
Students also have the opportunity to study the flute and the saxophone. Students who continue with music into senior school also have the opportunity to become involved in recording musical performances in the recording studio.
This subject is assessed both in the practical and the theoretical aspects. In stage 4 each term one major music assessment is to be completed at home. Stage 5 and 6 will receive an assessment schedule detailing the syllabus outcome required throughout the year.
CAPA Teachers at Belmore Boys' High School:
Ms C. Harrison (Librarian)
Ms J. Letsios (Visual Arts)
Mr. A. Dimarzo (Music)